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Dentist in Torrance on What to Do In an Emergency

May 11, 2018

Young woman with toothache holding ice bag on cheekImagine this: it’s 4 pm on Friday and you suddenly can’t think for the tooth that’s throbbing in the back of your mouth. Or this: your child comes in from playing soccer outside — only to show you the permanent tooth that has just been knocked out. In either case, what do you do next? The answer is the same no matter the dental emergency. Stay calm and call your dentist in Torrance ASAP!

Most Common Dental Emergencies

After you or a loved one experience oral trauma, don’t make the mistake of delaying treatment because you are unsure whether it is a “true” emergency. Remember the general rule that if something is bleeding, painful, or broken, you should seek care right away. It is always better safe than sorry when it comes to your oral health!

Some of the most common dental emergencies include:

  • Knocked out or dislodged teeth
  • Broken or cracked teeth
  • A toothache or abscess
  • Something lodged between teeth or in the gums
  • Laceration to the soft oral tissue
  • Broken filling, crown, or other restoration
  • And other injuries

What to Do after a Dental Emergency

The first step after oral trauma is to control the situation. Collect any large missing pieces and store them for possible reattachment. If a tooth has been completed knocked out, rinse away any debris (avoiding touching or scrubbing the root) and store the tooth in a cup of milk or water until you can reach the dentist’s office.

If you are bleeding as a result of the emergency, apply firm and consistent pressure to the wound with a clean cloth. If bleeding does not stop or slow after 10 minutes, head straight to the emergency room. Additionally, you should skip the dentist’s and seek medical treatment right away if you have broken a bone in your jaw.

For a toothache or any pain related to the dental emergency, feel free to take an over-the-counter medication as directed. Tylenol will work best for an oral injury, as it does not prevent the blood from clotting.

Call Your Emergency Dentist ASAP

Once the situation is under control and everyone is a bit calmer, place a call to your emergency dentist. The expert on the other end of the line will listen to your emergency and provide additional first aid tips specifically for your situation. Then, a time will be scheduled for you to come in as soon as is necessary. For a knocked out tooth, that means right away — but a broken filling or cracked tooth can be fixed at your earliest convenience.

Whatever the appropriate treatment for your dental emergency, the important thing is getting in touch with a professional as soon as possible. That’s the only way to get out of pain and on with your life in a timely fashion!

Meet the Practice

The Blue Coast Dental Group offers expert emergency dentistry services right when their patients need them. And right now, they are offering a New Patient Special! It’s just $98 to visit this state-of-the-art office for the first time. To learn more or to take advantage of this excellent deal, you are encouraged to call your emergency dentist in Torrance at 310-424-3100.