If you have any level of familiarity with the world of orthodontia, you likely know that Invisalign uses a series of clear, custom aligner trays to shift teeth into their proper places. But did you know that Invisalign attachments are sometimes necessary for the treatment to be successful? This blog post discusses what those attachments are, how they work, and how they may affect your overall treatment experience.
An Introduction to Invisalign Attachments
When you hear the phrase “Invisalign attachments,” you might think of something that gets attached to your aligners. However, these actually get placed on your teeth! They are small bumps made out of tooth-colored resin that are placed on specific teeth. Their purpose is to guide the force of your aligners and provide anchorage so your teeth can move in the most efficient way. They are not the same thing as Invisalign bumps and bite ramps, which do get attached to your aligners.
If you need attachments, your dentist will likely bring that up during your initial consultation. For most patients, the attachments need to stay in place throughout the entirety of their treatment. In certain cases, though, they can be removed sooner.
What Do the Attachments Feel Like?
The process of placing Invisalign attachments is not painful. Afterward, however, you might experience a bit of mild discomfort simply due to the new pressure that your teeth are being exposed to. Your mouth should adapt to the sensation fairly quickly.
The removal of Invisalign attachments is also pretty easy. Your dentist has special instruments to pop them right off your teeth! Then, they will polish away any remaining residue. You should not notice any pain during this process.
What Else Should You Know About Invisalign Attachments?
Here are a few additional notes to keep in mind about Invisalign attachments:
- They are small and discreet, so they should not have a big impact on the way your smile looks.
- You can continue to eat a wide variety of foods with Invisalign attachments. However, you may need to be cautious with hard and sticky foods, which might dislodge the attachments or damage them.
- Invisalign attachments can incur slight discoloration over time. You can minimize this issue by sticking to a good oral hygiene routine and making wise dietary choices.
Invisalign attachments might play an important role in your orthodontic journey! Your care team can answer any questions that you may have about this aspect of your treatment.
Meet the Practice
At Blue Coast Dental Group, we want to provide comprehensive oral health services to our community, so we are proud to offer Invisalign clear aligners. We understand the nuances of how they work, and we are always happy to answer patients’ questions about the treatment experience. To learn more about how we may be able to serve you, contact our office in Torrance, CA, at 310-424-3100.