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Blue Coast Dental Group Blog

New Year, New Smile with Teeth Whitening in Torrance

January 2, 2019

Half white smile.

When you look at your smile, what do you see? If you think your grin could be whiter or you have stains and discoloration, you’re not alone. Around 80% of the American population wants a whiter smile. Studies have shown that a whiter smile makes people perceive you as more youthful, confident, successful, and healthy. That’s why it’s a great idea to start the new year off right with teeth whitening in Torrance. Keep reading to discover how you can benefit from a whiter set of teeth.


The Benefits of Mini Dental Implants in Torrance

January 1, 2019

Older woman smiling.

Are you missing any teeth? A popular tooth replacement solution is dental implants because they are the longest-lasting and most natural looking restoration. However, those that have been missing teeth for a while may not be suitable for implants because their jawbone is too weak to support them. That is, until now! Thanks to mini dental implants in Torrance, those with weakened jawbones can receive the same benefits. Keep reading to discover the advantages of mini dental implants and why they’re a great investment to make in your oral health.


Become a New You this Year by Visiting a Cosmetic Dentist in Torrance

December 20, 2018

A woman examining her smile.

With the new year just around the corner, you’ve probably already started thinking about what resolutions you’d like to make. For some people, it’s eating better or exercising more. But did you ever consider the benefits of committing to regular dental visits?

Not only will regular dental visits help your oral health overall, but you’ll get to take advantage of cosmetic treatments that can give your smile the boost it may need! To learn how you can take advantage of a new patient special from a cosmetic dentist in Torrance, keep reading!


Dentist in Torrance Gives 3 Tips to Having a Healthy Holiday Mouth

December 15, 2018

A woman smiling and wearing a Santa hat.

The holidays are a season for spending quality time with extended family members, decorating the home, enjoying the lights in the community and of course opening up gifts. But while it’s easy to get wrapped up in festive activities (and wrapping paper), you don’t want to let your oral care go out the window. Holiday treats can be tasty, but getting a new cavity is no way to ring in the new year.

With these tips from a dentist in Torrance, you can rest assured knowing that your smile be in good health throughout the season.


Invisalign in Torrance? Learn How To Care For Your Aligner Trays!

December 13, 2018

Someone holding up an aligner tray

If you’ve opted to use Invisalign in Torrance to straighten your teeth and correct your bite, you already know about the many advantages it offers. Unlike with traditional braces, you can still eat all your favorite foods, it’s easy to keep your teeth and gums clean, and (best of all) you’re getting great results – invisibly! You get most of these benefits because you can take out your aligner trays, but the ability to remove them also means you must take good care of them as well. In this blog, you’ll learn how to maintain your trays and care for your teeth during treatment so you get the best results possible!


Choosing the Right Toothpaste: A Guide from a Family Dentist

November 29, 2018

family brushing teethThe oral healthcare aisle at your local grocery store may have dozens of different types of toothpastes. Some might have flashy packages and make grandiose claims about how they can whiten your teeth, fortify enamel, or give you amazingly fresh breath. Is all of that just hype? Does it really matter which toothpaste you and your family use? In fact, there is no one size fits all solution when it comes to toothpaste. For optimum oral health, each member of your clan might need different products to clean their teeth. A family dentist in Torrance is here to talk about how you can make sure that every person in your household gets what they need to maintain a fresh and healthy mouth.


Dentures Vs. Dental Implants in Torrance: Which Is Better?

November 18, 2018

beautiful, smiling older womanIf you’re missing multiple teeth, filling in those gaps in your smile is important. Replacing your lost pearly whites will enable you to eat more easily, speak more clearly, and smile more confidently. Investing in a dental prosthetic will also help you prevent oral health problems down the road. Two of the most popular options for replacing multiple teeth are dentures and dental implants in Torrance. Is one better than the other? Let’s compare your options so you can decide on a treatment plan that fits your unique circumstances and needs.


Dentist Says You Need to Use Dental Insurance Before Next Year!

November 5, 2018

A woman at her dental appointment.It may be surprising to hear, but many people don’t get the chance to fully maximize their dental insurance. Life happens, which means certain events gain higher priority over our health, including our oral health. However, wasting money spent on unused benefits should never be a priority. With the end of the year coming up, your benefits are at risk of expiring! That is, unless you start scheduling appointments with a dentist to use the benefits you paid for and practice effective oral hygiene.

Learn about the money you could be saving and how to start maximizing today!


What Can Porcelain Veneers in Torrance Do for You?

October 18, 2018

smiling woman with beautiful teethPorcelain veneers in Torrance are a great way to restore a smile that has lost some of its sheen over the years. Veneers offer many of the same aesthetic benefits as crowns but require a smaller investment of time and expense. Veneers can last up to 15 years, sometimes longer.


Emergency Dentist in Torrance Gives Steps to Get Out of Dental Pain

October 6, 2018

A man holding his cheek in pain.When you’ve broken your leg in an accident or have extreme stomach pain, your first thought is to get to the hospital as soon as possible. However, what would you do if you woke up one morning and your tooth suddenly started aching? What if you went to drink your morning cup of coffee only to feel tooth sensitivity that doesn’t go away? Would you visit the emergency room then?

According to an emergency dentist in Torrance, your next action should be to contact them. To learn more about what constitutes as a dental emergency and the right steps to take, keep reading!
