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Blue Coast Dental Group Blog

Will Insurance Cover My Full Mouth Reconstruction?

August 25, 2020

searching for dental insurance to cover full mouth reconstruction in Torrance

Full mouth reconstruction in Torrance is a comprehensive treatment plan that can correct everything that is robbing your smile of its aesthetic and functional potential. In many cases, the process can be long and require complex procedures, a fact that leads many patients to wonder about the monetary costs involved. They are also curious about whether their dental insurance will help to pay for their treatment. The answer to that question really depends on which services are involved in the full mouth reconstruction process.


Waterpik or Dental Floss: Which One is Right For You?

March 6, 2020

a young woman standing in the mirror and using a water flosser

You know it is important to floss between your teeth. For years, you’ve been using the same type of dental floss to effectively remove stubborn bacteria and food particles, but could there be a better way? Water flossers are a popular alternative, but do they really work? Can they provide the same results as a traditional floss? Let your dentist in Torrance offer some of the pros and cons associated with each so that you can make the right decision for your oral health.


4 Materials Used to Make Dental Crowns

January 28, 2020

Dental Crowns

When hear the phrase “dental crown”, what kind of picture forms in your head? Do you imagine a restoration made out of gold, or do you think of something that closely resembles an actual tooth? The modern dentist has plenty of options for creating a dental crown in Torrance, and each kind comes with advantages and disadvantages to consider. Below are 4 examples of material that might be used in your crown; take the time to learn each of their pros and cons so that you can pick the one that best suits your smile!


What to Do If Your Dental Crown Falls Out This Holiday Season

December 5, 2019

woman covering mouth with hand

You’re throwing a holiday party with some friends and family members and having a blast. The music and food are excellent, and everyone is getting along. You take a celebratory bite of a yummy holiday sugar cookie, but this one turned out much harder than the others. You hear something go crunch in your mouth. You spit out your food into your hand to find that your dental crown has come off! What should you do? Read on to learn more about dental crowns in Torrance and what to do if they come loose or fall off during the holiday season.


Do Your Dentures Not Fit Properly? Here’s What to Do

December 1, 2019

doctor holding dentures in Torrance

When you first got your dentures in Torrance, you were over the moon. You could finally eat your favorite foods and sing your favorite songs once again. But that was a few years ago, and your dentures are starting to slip around when you talk. They feel uncomfortable every now and again. What should you do? Read more to find out.


What’s the Process of Getting Dental Implants?

November 20, 2019

dental implant

If you’re missing one or more teeth, odds are you’ve thought about, or at least heard of, dental implants in Torrance. These titanium posts are inserted directly into your jawbone, perfectly mimicking the roots of your natural teeth. They can last for decades, or even the rest of your life with proper care. However, it’s not a simple procedure, and treatment usually takes months with several appointments. Let’s take a closer look at the whole dental implant process.


How to Make Invisalign Fit Within Your Budget

November 1, 2019

Invisalign clear aligners on red background

You’ve been wanting to achieve a movie-star smile for a long time now, and all you really need to do is straighten your misaligned teeth. You might have heard of a fairly new method called Invisalign in Torrance. The main problem is, you’re not sure if you can afford the treatment. Continue reading below to learn all you need to know about how to fit Invisalign within your budget.


How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

October 22, 2019

dental crowns in Torrance

A few months ago, your dentist told you that you have a tiny cavity that needs to get filled. You meant to schedule an appointment to get it fixed, but it slipped your mind and now your tooth has even more decay. Now your dentist says you need a crown to hold your tooth together and prevent future damage. What can you expect when you get dental crowns in Torrance? How long do they typically last? Continue reading to find out.


Can Charcoal Actually Whiten Teeth?

October 1, 2019

person brushing their teeth with activated charcoal

If you’ve been on social media lately, chances are you’ve seen someone brushing their teeth with what looks like a strange black paste. It’s actually called activated charcoal, which has been ground up into a paste and applied to the teeth. You may have seen people touting the benefits of using activated charcoal to whiten their teeth, but does it actually work? Let’s talk about why you should probably stick to professional teeth whitening in Torrance.


Should You Use Professional or Store-Bought Teeth Whitening in Torrance?

August 9, 2019

man with white teeth

Every time you look in the mirror, you notice the same thing first – your yellow teeth. You’ve tried whitening strips and gels from the pharmacy, but none of them seem to give you the lasting results you want. Maybe it’s time to try professional teeth whitening in Torrance for the dazzling smile you’ve been wanting. Read on as we talk about why you should leave your smile treatment to the professionals.
