How Tooth Loss Affects
Your Long-Term Health
When it comes to tooth loss, your dentist wants to ensure you that you’re not alone. Approximately 120 million people around the U.S. are missing at least one tooth. Out of that group, 36 million are missing all of their teeth. Over the next two decades, these numbers are only expected to grow, forcing millions of people to make dramatic changes in their diet to accommodate their missing teeth.
When you can’t eat the foods that contain your daily dose of vitamins and minerals, it can make a large impact on your long-term health overall. Missing teeth confines patients to eating a diet of softer foods that may not contain all the nutrients you need.
Additionally, missing teeth has been associated with a higher risk of certain diseases. These include:
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Coronary artery disease
- Certain forms of cancer
Luckily, there is a way to get your overall and oral health back on track with these tooth replacement options.