How Hollywood Celebs Achieve Their Perfect Smile

Woman smiling outdoors

Take a moment and think about your favorite movie star. Whether it be Tom Cruise, Catherine Zeta-Jones, or another star you cant help but stare at in awe, the chances that their teeth are natural is slim to none. Both the mentioned actors as well as many others have had cosmetic treatments made to their smile. In this case, porcelain veneers were the treatment of choice. There's a reason people often refer to them as "Hollywood teeth."

However, there's no need to attend acting school or become a multi-millionaire just to get the smile you've always wanted. Blue Coast Dental provides porcelain veneers that instantly cover a wide variety of cosmetic issues quickly with as little preparation as possible. In this month's newsletter, we'll go over exactly what you can expect when you choose to enhance your smile through this method.

Minimal Impact Maximum Results

A close up of a smile

Unlike dental crowns which typically require significant reduction in order to place, your dentist can place porcelain veneers while still helping you maintain as much of your natural tooth structure as possible. In some cases, Dr. Hamzehpour doesn’t even need to prep teeth for placing veneers. By doing this, she can reduce the chances of sensitivity as much as possible, an issue that affects certain patients who choose veneers to enhance their smile.

Veneers are incredibly thin to begin with in order to reduce the amount of buffing needed for placement. Once the tooth is ready, your dentist takes an impression of your smile and uses it to design the shape and size of the veneers. This impression is sent to a dental lab to be fabricated. Over the next two weeks, you’ll wear a temporary veneer to help you get acclimated with your smile. After fabrication, you’ll come back for a second visit to have them fitted.

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A True Transformation in Just Two Visits

Woman smiling in dental chair

Patients who don’t want to wait to transform their smile will have the most to gain with veneers. In just two visits, one for preparation and one for placement, you can completely transform your smile and look like the Hollywood stars you see on the big screen.

Keep in mind that no other treatment offers such a dramatic transformation so quickly. It’s common for patients to be quite shocked at first that it’s their smile staring back at them in the mirror.

Chips? Cracks? Gaps? Discoloration? No Problem!

Man receiving veneers

It’s important to note that no other treatment out there can solve so many issues at once quite like veneers. In comparison, crown lengthening works by reducing gum tissue, making your teeth look larger. Orthodontics help remove gaps. Teeth whitening temporarily makes your smile whiter and brighter. However, porcelain veneers in Torrance solve all of these issues simultaneously, saving you money on future cosmetic treatments; it truly is an all-in-one solution.

Furthermore, porcelain is naturally-tooth colored, as well as perfectly shaded and customized to blend in with your existing teeth. If you want to make your restorations as close to tooth-colored as possible, no other material comes closer than porcelain.

For decades, veneers were exclusive to the highest-paid actors and models of Hollywood, but now average working people can experience their benefits. If you don’t want to settle for the smile you have any longer, we hope you consider scheduling a consultation with Blue Coast Dental. Your cosmetic dentist in Torrance can’t wait to help you achieve the look you’ve always wanted!

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