Give Your Gums Some TLC This Month

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February is a month where most of us are thinking about showing a special someone appreciation, but did you know that it’s also the time where dentists are educating patients on how to take care of their oral health? It’s become so common, that it’s become Gum Disease Awareness Month!

Gum disease remains to be one of the most common chronic diseases not just in the United States, but around the world. This is the case for a number of reasons, but one of the most significant is because this infection often develops even when no symptoms are present. It’s just another reason why routine checkups at Blue Coast Dental are so important!

With that said, there are ways to catch the earliest signs of this dental problem before it has the chance to cause too much damage to your smile. Below, we encourage you to ask yourself the following questions regarding gum disease. If you answer “yes” to two or more, please give us a call as soon as possible so you can give your oral health the professional attention it needs!

5 Ways to Catch Gum Disease Early

New Years Resolutions checklist

Do you use tobacco products?

Tobacco and other products that contain tobacco have long been proven to lead to dental problems, particularly gum disease. If you currently use tobacco, the best thing you can do to prevent gum infections (as well as stained teeth, chronic bad breath, and increased plaque buildup), is quit as soon as possible.

Do you have frequent bad breath?

Much like decay, gum disease develops as a result of excess bacteria in the mouth. This bacteria releases plaque acid that coat the teeth and gums, which emits a foul odor. If you find yourself struggling to manage bad breath, especially after brushing, it’s a sign that gum disease has developed.

Do your gums bleed when brushing or flossing?

If you have not flossed in a long time, it’s relatively normal to notice some minor bleeding in between your teeth. However, this should never occur on a daily basis. Furthermore, brushing should never cause your gums to bleed unless gum disease is present.

Do your teeth appear longer?

As gum disease develops, teeth may become more exposed as the gums begin to recede away from teeth. When caught early, you can avoid the most serious side effects of gum disease, including deterioration of the bone and soft tissue holding teeth in place.

Has it been more than six months since your last dental checkup?

Even the best at-home care routine is not enough to keep your smile protected from all dental disease. When you visit our office at least once every six months, our dentists can make sure that no underlying symptoms of gum disease are present. We can also make sure no plaque in hard-to-reach areas of the mouth go unremoved.

Your Gums Deserve Love and Attention!

New Years Resolutions checklist

Even if you have the early signs of gum disease already, there’s still time to get back on the right track. By giving our office a call, you can schedule a checkup, start taking better care of your long-term oral health, and meet with our in-house periodontist, Dr. Galvan! We look forward to hearing from you soon, so don’t wait to get in touch!

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