Hear Kathleen’s Story at Blue Coast Dental

Blue Coast Dental works incredibly hard to make dental visits not only a pleasant experience, but help every single one of its patient feel like their dental team is on their side. When it comes to Kathleen and her time at the office, there’s simply no exception.

Below, you can hear her testimonial for yourself as she gives insight to her time here at our practice. If you have friends or family members that have been looking for a new place to call their dental home, you’ll want to introduce them to Kathleen!

With that said, we’d also like to mention that patients who have been experiencing back tooth pain (and also happen to be between the ages of 18 and 25) just might need to have their wisdom teeth looked at more closely. While extraction is not always necessary, you’ll want to start treatment during the summer months when it’s more convenient. To learn why, keep reading!

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More Time to Recover

woman in dental chair, smiling, with dentist in background
  • The summer months are generally a season where most people set aside time off from work.
  • become unseated while chewing taffy or caramel.
  • When you have more time off, it becomes easier to accommodate recovery following wisdom tooth removal.
  • It also means fewer responsibilities to worry about, especially if you have kids out of school!

Easier Scheduling

woman smiling in dental chair
  • Our office is able to recognize when wisdom teeth are going to need removal, making it easier to stay proactive about your oral health.
  • When timed correctly, you can have your wisdom teeth removed when it’s more convenient for you, rather than when you absolutely need to.
  • The last thing you want is for a painful wisdom tooth to interrupt your summer vacation!

Better Control Over Your Diet

bowl of chicken soup
  • Following wisdom tooth removal, it’s important to stick to a soft diet over the next few days to a week.
  • Managing your meals as you recover is much easier to do during the summer months when you’re more likely to be at home, rather than school or work.
  • Taking medications is also easier when you’re not concerned about traveling, especially since certain medications can have side effects like drowsiness.

Ideal for Teenagers

woman smiling in dental chair
  • Many patients that visit Blue Coast Dental for wisdom tooth removal are teens as this is the time of their life where their teeth are most likely to erupt and potentially cause problems.
  • There can be some facial swelling, redness, and discomfort following treatment. These can affect both their appearance and their speech as they recover.
  • Not only can teenagers avoid their peers seeing them during this recovery period, but you’ll be able to keep a closer eye on them since they are out of school.

We want to thank Kathleen again for her incredibly kind words about the practice. We look forward to seeing her regularly and helping her maintain the beautiful smile she’s worked hard to achieve. With that said, we encourage you to give our office a call if you or a family member have noticed discomfort in your back teeth as you could be due for a wisdom tooth extraction. The only way to know for sure it to schedule an appointment, so why not do so when it’s more convenient?

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