Your Next Dental Visit Made Affordable

Dental insurance forms

At Blue Coast Dental, we understand it’s an understatement to say that we’re experiencing uncertain economic times. For example, if you’re one of the tens of millions of people who lost their dental insurance as a result of a job change or lay-off, we know that it can be difficult to organize your finances.

However, if there’s one thing you shouldn’t miss out on when it comes to long-term expenses, it’s your preventive dental care. After all, the more you stay on top of your oral health, the less likely you’ll be met with a surprise dental expense months later. Chances are it’s been a year since your last visit, and we want to be there for you to stop underlying dental problems before they become extensive (and expensive) issues.

The short-term economics of today’s times aren’t easy, but the long-term ones aren’t exactly predictable either. Below, you’ll find two ways we make your dental care as affordable as possible, so we encourage you to call to learn more or schedule an appointment soon!

Maximizing Dental Benefits to the Fullest

Dentist and patient reviewing dental insurance forms

If you were recently rehired and have now regained access to dental insurance benefits, there’s a decent chance that our office is already in-network with your plan! Once you get a chance to speak with our office manager, Shelly, she’ll be able to help you determine the best way to maximize the benefits you’re entitled too. At this time, we are happy to be in-network with:

  • Aetna
  • Anthem
  • Cigna
  • Delta Dental

However, just because you aren’t in-network doesn’t mean we won’t accept your plan. In fact, we are happy to accept all PPO insurance plans and will always work with you to ensure you receive the most out of your investment.

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Third-Party Options Can Make Care Possible

Dental insurance coordinator Shelly

If you don’t have a dental insurance plan or your benefits didn’t quite offer full coverage for your upcoming treatment, getting care may feel impossible at first. Thankfully, third-party financing makes even the most expensive treatments feel within reach!

While qualifying for a CareCredit plan from our office can make your preventive care affordable, even without dental insurance, a payment plan is especially ideal for larger restorative cases that can often be expensive and take multiple appointments to complete. If you’re feeling concerned about the process or have questions, Shelly is always here to help.

Blue Coast Dental does everything it can to keep dental fees fair, reasonable and competitive ever since we opened. By working with your insurance, whether you’re in-network or out-of-network, and offering third-party financing options that can fit into just about any family’s budget, you don’t have to skip out on necessary dental care and put your short-term and long-term oral health at risk.

With the end of the year coming close, we hope that you’ll give us a call soon and get scheduled for an appointment, whether it’s for yourself or for your family members!

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